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Hey, I saw your Pac-Man remake I'm wondering if more will be made? They are accurate as fuck dude!

Thanks! I've got a few half-baked projects... but life gets busy. I did manage to finish the Gameboy version of Tetris which should be shared in my library.

Great to know

amigo ojala saques la versión ROM, seria una gran pieza para los q nos gusta tener miles de roms retro 

¿existe forma de descargar el juego?

Normalmente publicaría el código fuente, pero es muy descuidado porque me apresuraron a escribirlo para el Code Jam.

This was really cool!I liked the graphics!

Thanks for trying it out!

Pretty cool! :)
I like this demake. The sound, graphics and gameplay are spot-on.
Too bad you never see the other drivers because they dont seem to use items?

(1 edit)

Thanks for looking! Yeah... I ran out of time to do too much in the way of A.I. If you're handily beating the computer drivers, you can change the difficulty setting under the options menu at the title screen which makes them faster. You can also take a different driver like Rick or Rilla- who are faster but don't turn as well.